Exploring Kings Canyon and driving a quad bike

Exploring Kings Canyon and driving a quad bike

If you are driving from Alice Springs (read my article) to the three rock formations Uluru, Olgas and Kings Canyon like us, you have to decide where to go first. The first crossing on the Stuart Highway (Erldunda Roadhouse) leads to all of them, but at the second crossing, you have to decide, whether to go to Uluru and Olgas on the left-hand side first or to take the way on the right-hand side to Kings Canyon. The Uluru includes the trip to the Olgas, but the trip to Kings Canyon is a separate road. If you are lucky enough to have a 4-wheel car, you can drive directly from the MacDonnell Ranges to Kings Canyon and also directly to Olgas and Uluru. But with a 2-wheeler as we had, you have to stay on the attached roads.  Anyway, don´t worry, you will feel the outback there ;). We decided to drive to Uluru first because the weather was perfect and after that, we drove to Olgas and Kings Canyon.

free camping area “Salt Creek”

Overnight stay between Uluru/Olgas and Kings Canyon

After exploring the Uluru (read my article) and after hiking in the Olgas (read my article) we drove in the direction to Kings Canyon in the evening.  We didn´t manage to reach the Kings Canyon because it got dark very fast. Therefore we camped on a free campsite “Salt Creek” between Olgas and Kings Canyon. It is a really big and nice camping area for outback lovers, a few campers were already there.

Hiking trails in the Kings Canyon

Passing the Kings Creek filling station and the camel farm we drove further on to the Kings Canyon parking space. In a covered area, they even installed WLAN. A funny sight because all the people starring at there phones in the middle of the outback :). With 30-35 degree we were really thankful that they also provide a canister to fill up drinking water.  We decided to walk the four-hour RIM Walk. In the outback, I always took the longest walks because they are less crowded than the short ones and I really wanted to see everything xD. Oh man, the Canyon is really impressive, it definitely exceeded my expectations. We could see clearly the individual layers of stone.  We walked many steps on top of the Canyon and then back down again to a beautiful waterhole named “Garden of Eden”. Partly we could see deep inside the gaps seeing the red tones in all their shades. Afterward, we walked the shorter hiking trail, but it was closed after 50 meters.

Garden of Eden

Meaning of Kings Canyon

The Kings Canyon is the biggest gap in Australia located in the 71.000 hectares Watarrka Nationalpark. The National Park borders the area of the Luritja Aborigines. 20 million years of erosion and the Kings Canyon, passing through the red sandstone, enabled the development of deep gaps. Despite the hot desert climate a variety of Flora could grow only because of the water holes. The canyon is a natural habitat for dingos, rock wallabies, reptiles and many species of birds. Outside the Canyon, the landscape changes to a dry desert scenery.

Driving a quad bike in the red outback sand

On our way back we stopped at the Kings Creek Station. We saw the offer for a quad-tour through the hilly outback sand – I absolutely wanted to try that. It sounded like a big adventure! For one hour we paid 112 Australian Dollars. We both got a quad and a helmet. At first, we got to some easy red dirt roads, always driving behind our guide. Surprisingly a few camels crossed our way :). After that, it got more and more hilly and we had to drive up bigger hills and deeper sand hollows.  Sometimes it wasn´t easy to steer, especially if you are driving always a little bit too fast, as I did :). We were exposed to massive forces as we navigated over the deep sand dunes and stones. I can tell you guys, it was a lot of fun!! And we could always decide how fast we wanted to drive, anyway, we felt more confident with the time. Halfway the guide took photos of us. I highly recommend wearing long clothes and solid shoes. The guide told us how to use a quad bike, it is really easy. Because it is automatic, there is only a gas pedal, a brake, the driving/ parking switch and with the key, you are starting the motor. Easy peasy! Driving a quad in the desert of Australia was a lot of fun, but to be honest with you guys, the guide was a bit reserved and non-communicative. Maybe he actually wanted to do something else on this day. 😉

Driving the quad on the Kings Creek camel farm

Kings Canyon Resort

For those who want to extend the hiking or need a recovery, the Kings Canyon Resort next to the Kings Canyon is the perfect overnight stay. They even have a pool and various offers for daily tours. However, we decided to drive back to the free rest area “Salt Creek”. The next day we continued our trip on the Stuart Highway further south to Coober Pedy. *** Dieser Artikel enthält Werbung, da Marken genannt werden.

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